Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Book of the Day

Tonight's bedtime book is Scarecrow Pete by Mark Kimball Moulton.  It was highlighted at the library this past week and the illustrations are great, so I decided to get it.  I'm always searching for and collecting good children's literature for my kids and also to have when I finish student teaching and have my own classroom.

When went to A&D bookstore earlier to try and find a good family bible study.  No luck.  We've been searching for a while for something good to follow, especially for families with young children.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! 

We did find a new bible and bible holder for Abby.  We searched forever and finally settled on this bible.  It is large print and easy to read.  Abby really wanted one of the "fancy" girls' study bibles, but we looked through them and didn't like what we saw.  She's just thrilled to have the bible holder.  : )

Happy Tuesday!!