Saturday, January 8, 2011

Favorite Healthy Snacks

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It's day 8 of the 11 in 2011 blog challenge.  Today's topic: Favorite Healthy Snacks

Almonds- These provide an energy boost and are super healthy.  I just try to make sure I eat them in moderation because they do have a lot of fat (but the good kind of fat).

Fresh fruit.  I love just about every fruit.  I wash and prepare snacks size bags of fruit the night before I need them so that I can just grab a bag on my way out the door.

String cheese.  I love cheese but it is loaded with fat, so I grab a low calorie, reduced fat cheese stick instead.

Smoothies.  I love me a good smoothie!  I love trying different combinations.

Can't wait to see what everyone else snacks one!



Kit said...

Great idea about getting together all of your fruit the night before!

Kristy said...

Thanks for the comment! :) Love me some Nutella!

You've got some great ideas. My kids are huge smoothis fans!!

Emily said...

YUM! All of your choices are great! I didn't think about cheese, but I love cheese! YUMMY!! Is there a particular kind of smoothie that you like? I've been wanting to try, but I haven't yet and not know what kind to buy!

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of smoothies and I've started making them at home, bonus on the wallet!! :)

Kalina said...

Let's just say I'm obsessed with smoothies! I really wish I made them more often. I cheat and go to Planet Smoothie.

I awarded you with the Versatile Blog Award! Congrats Lisa :)